Monday, October 25, 2010

Typing quick! Nap time is almost over!

Hitting up a few topics today...
#1 Our son turned 2!
This seems so ridiculous to me.  I sometimes can't believe he is even here, let alone that he is 2.  We had a fishy party!  It was adorable.  A few of his little friends came fishing and we opened presents and he blew out the candles on his fish cake and we ate fish shaped cookies.  I had so much fun getting everyone together and getting ready for his party, I came down off a huge emotional and sugar high when all was said and done.  I ate more sugar cookies and a weeks time span than I have all year.  Not to toot my own horn, but the cake and cookies were delicious!  My hips are not thanking me.

#2 Pumpkin Patch
This is my favorite time of year despite how bad all of our allergies are.  We went to the pumpkin patch and watched our guy run (no wobbly walk this year) though the attractions.  It was such a fun time.  Also I didn't notice till I started looking though last years pictures that I wore almost the exact same thing this year as the year before.  This is weird and makes for good comparison pics!

2009                                               2010
#3 We have baby fever!
I don't know if its because I have a 2 yr old now or what, but we have babies on the brain.  Our timeline for the next year and a half is crazy, but a baby is in there somewhere too, jut not sure when though!  I had so many issues with our first I want to make sure I am in tip top shape before we get pregnant again.  I want to reach my goal weight (thanks to the cake and cookies I am still looking at another 15 lbs.)  I went and got a physical just to make sure blood pressure, cholesterol, and whatever else they can check is all normal.  My doctor, whom I love, was great.  Said I should definitely get down to goal before getting pregnant and that will really help with any complications that I could prevent on my end.  I got a big pat on the back for losing weight in a timely and healthy manner.  Glad I am going about things right and its actually working for me!

1 comment:

  1. Annie
    You look great! You've done such a good job and you deserve to celebrate your son's 2nd birthday.. cookies and all. I can't wait to meet a new little Pawol in the next 1-2 years.. how exciting!
