Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good news, bad news situation...

I'll go with bad news first, because I like to end on a good note.

     I have high cholesterol.  Not insanely high, but high all the same.  I went in for a physical a couple of weeks ago so that I can make sure all my levels are good, or if any need improvement.  Initially he said, everything looked great!  Then my lab results were mailed to me.  Everything was fine except for one, my cholesterol.  Normal is under 200 and I am at 206.  I'd rather be much much further from 200.  HDL (High-density lipoprotein) was high at 62, but it is referred to as your good cholesterol because it is responsible for transporting your cholesterol back to the liver to be processed.  Then, in true doctor fashion, a barely legible "acceptable" is scribbled across the front of the report and signed by my doctor.  This may be acceptable to him, but I want to be in tip top shape before we have another baby to help prevent any complications on my end.  I was so frustrated, because I felt like I'd been doing everything possible for me to be healthy and this kind of blind sided me.  So now for the good news...
     We joined our local YMCA.  When I first started losing weight I was very anti-gym.  Mostly because I did not want anyone to see me run, jog, walk, or crawl on a public treadmill.  I feel like losing this first 35 pounds has given me more self confidence about working out in public.  Plus, I have been doing my workout videos for like 10 months now and I am getting super bored with them.  I got up this morning, with a little elbowing from hubby, at 6:30 am.  Did you know that in the beginning of November the sun is not even making a effort to come up by 6:30?...I really don't care for winter.  I did a mile run on the elliptical.  I've been having some knee/hip/ankle/back pain, so elliptical was the most comfortable.  It felt really good to run and get my blood pumping, and hopefully it will help with my cholesterol too.  Then I jumped on an ab machine (do not know what its called, but its the one where you support yourself on your elbows and pull your legs up to your chest).  I hate hate hate sit ups or crunches.  I can never do them just right and I always end up straining my neck, so I'm going with the machines from now on.  Then I worked my back a little, hoping to slim down my adorable lipoma.  Plus I loved when I used to have those back dimples, oh, some day I'll see them again.  
     I feel awesome.  Hubby and I are going to take turns every other day with getting up early and working out, but taking Sundays off.  This will mean 3 days of workout a week for each of us, without losing out on family time.  He made a good point the other day.  If I can lose 35 pounds with relatively mild diet and exercise, imagine what my body would do with more intensive exercise.  Food for thought!

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