Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let the chaos begin!

We are gearing up to start a major renovation/addition to our under 1000 sq/ft house.  The addition is mostly garage and probably wont be fully completed for a year or so, but I still just can't wait.  Two car garage, wrap around porch, actual grass in my yard.  Is that every girl's dream?  I just made the feminist movement take two steps back, but I really don't care.  I am pumped!  I've been reading this great blog lately, Thrifty Decor Chick, and I cannot stop!  She's awesome.  Ryan is not as excited as I am because now I have projects all over the house.  I'm currently painting my bedroom furniture.  I'm taking before and afters (just like TDC does) so I'll probably post them once I have everything just so.

"How is she going to tie this into weight loss?" You might be asking yourself this question right now.  Here is how...
Apparently idle hands feed my belly!  I'm a grazer by nature, but with a task, project, or what have you, I find myself much more in control.  Loving it and loving the face lift our house is getting!  

Wish me us luck!

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