Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung...

Four inches of snow, icy conditions, and blistering winds...hello March 20th. Not very cool for the first day of spring, but I don't think you can expect much else from mother nature in Nebraska. This totally put a hitch in my giddy up. I was really looking forward to exercising outside more, but when Spring gives you and welcome like that...its hard to picture running past green grass and warm breezes.
Luckily today was slightly warmer and the sun was able to melt most of these white devil flakes. I think I know why people in warmer climates are usually more fit. They do not have to spend 4 months of their year running at a brick wall, TV screen with closed captioning, or another stationary runner huffing and puffing right back at you. We went for 2 walks today. The 2nd was right after dinner, more laid back, and with a few extra people in tow. More of a pleasure walk instead of business.
My size 12 capris fit me today! Not that I'll be wearing them for a couple more weeks, but still its good to know I can keep them in my wardrobe family. A few items didn't make the cut. Most for size reasons, but a fair few were just fashion no-no's. Take for instance, my floor length camo broom skirt. So cute 6 years ago, but not so much now. Its almost like going shopping all over again as more and more things start to fit me. I'm amazed at what new cobwebby corner of my wardrobe is opening up for me again!

BIG NEWS! My current BMI is no longer in the obese range! Great right?! Who would have ever thought I would be over the moon about being just overweight? 29.6 baby! This makes me feel even better than my actual pound weight, because its now becoming apparent that I am actually doing something to make me healthier. All the exercising and portion control is paying off!

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