Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fell off, then got ran over by the wagon...

Its not my fault. Really. It's not.
Ok its a little bit my fault, but mostly its not. Spring is definitely in the air and plugging up my sinuses. Do you know how hard it is to run when you can at any given time cough, sneeze, and cry all at the same time? Difficult. Thank you ClaritinD. My body is not longer trying to kill me and I can breath through my nose again. What does this mean on the workout front? Ummmm, what workout front? Last night I did my 6 Minute Ab workout video. This is the first time I have attempted to workout in well over 2 weeks. Yes we've been going for walks, but I know I'm not really pushing myself. 6 Minute Abs went well, although I admittingly only did them because I was watching Biggest Loser and I was feeling like a slug.

So allergies ok, no big deal. Then Easter. I love Easter. Do you know how many calories are in a deviled egg? 64 on average (depending on your receipe). Do you know how many I had? Try 8 (over 2 days). Thats 512 calories and it wasn't even the biggest part of my meal. I didn't have any soda though, except I am drinking a Diet Pepsi as I write this. I don't know why. I don't like diet pop. I just went to the vending machine, didn't see anything I liked, but chose a diet pop anyways. What is wrong with me? I've literally taken 2 drinks and remembered why I decided to cut out pop entirely instead of just switching to diet. Diet is disgusting.

I'm off work at 2 and I fully intend to go home and do my Cardio Core Express video. Who names these things? The wagon may have ran me over, but now I'm chasing after it with my sand in my eyes and grit in my teeth.

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