Monday, March 8, 2010

Vacation Sabotage...Are you saying sandwich? No, I'm saying sabotage.

First off, that is an awesome Office episode...

So my mom and I went to Florida for 5 days. It was warm and much needed. However, it raises the question. Why do vacations always ruin your good routines?! In my opinion you need vacations for your mental health. Tell me I can't take vacations anymore and I'd rather jump off a cliff.

I did a fine job of eating relatively healthy and small meals. I did have pop on vacation, but haven't had it since I got home. I took special care to drill into my subconscious that this is vacation and I should treat myself, but once I was home more pop. That last Coke on the flight home slid down my throat and into my belly like cold silk. I sucked every last bit off of every last ice cube.

Now I'm home and grudgingly getting back into my workout/eating routine. I ran my usual mile last night for the first time since being home. Muscle memory my ass. By the time my LCD read .85 miles I was ready to give up and let my jiggly body hit the wall behind me. I slowed it down to a quick walk, jumped off did some crunches and push ups and that's when I heard it...


I WAS WHEEZING!! Now I was really feeling like I had gained back the 20lbs I'd lost and here I was back at square one. A quick jump on the scale reassured me that in fact I was only up by a couple pounds. Whew, close one. The wheeze isn't anything big. I used to get it in middle school. Exercise induce asthma along with allergy induced asthma...convenient for the lazy 8th grader who doesn't want to run the mile. I had a note.

Anyways, as much as it felt like getting back on the treadmill was equivalent to belly crawling over broken glass and rusty nails, I actually felt really good. Thats when I remembered why I started all this. I want to feel better. More energy, more motivation, and of course showing a little more than just my neck and ankles all year. Swim suit season is around the corner. How cliche of me for that to be my motivation. But in my defense I never was the girl with the smokin hot bod, but why can't I be now? Hopefully I don't loose my boobs along with the weight though...those are my favorite!

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