Monday, January 31, 2011

Chugging along!

     Welcome to my first and last post for January 2011.  Things are going pretty well, considering how much we have going on.  The only things is that we went on vacation on Jan 13th and I have not been back to the Y since.   Yeesh, I know!  Over 2 fulls weeks of sleeping in (as much as a 2 year old will allow) and I'm finding it so hard to get back into my groove.  I'm going tomorrow and I'm going to weigh myself.
     Also I'm doing SlimFast again, and I figured if all I did this last summer was SlimFast and I lost 10 lbs, then what could I lose if I actually coupled it with good diet and exercise?  I know what you're thinking, "Thats crazy person talk!  You can't diet and exercise!!!"  Oh yes I can, and I am going to.
     Waaaay back in December (or November), I got back on the coffee.  I can't kick it for the life of me!  I'm even going so far as to making decaf in the afternoon.  I think its because I feel so cold all the time (fat kept me warm!) So now I constantly find myself drinking coffee, hot chocolate, hot chai, tea, whatever! I can get my hands on to warm my bones.  That's also now a running joke in our family.  I told my husband and my mom that I'm cold all the time now because I'm so super skinny.  Just being obnoxious, but now that's kind of a thing we'll say if one of us is cold.  Lame and true, but a fun inside joke.  I had a client once who had gastric bypass and lost something over 100 lbs and she was telling me how she used to sweat constantly and now she could never get warm and her feet hurt.  I thought that was really interesting, because now I can relate to the being cold thing, but I never thought about the feet.  We have fat pads on the soles of our feet, isn't it funny to think that if you lose enough weight, your feet will get skinnier?  But in losing that padding, she began to have foot pain.  Just an interesting tidbit!
     I'm weighing in tomorrow and I'm expecting a huge gain, but we shall see!


  1. January is just a tough month, I've decided, isn't it? So cold and hard to be motivated. Good for you for stickin' with it.
    I've done SlimFast before, and think buying the powder and blending your own shakes is WAY better tasting than their pre-canned shakes... what do you think?

  2. Agreed! I'm a mixer. I like putting in more milk so it fills me up better!
