Friday, September 24, 2010

Another 5 Pound Marker!

Yeah baby!  That's right 175!  
     And I was fully clothed when I stepped on the scale!  I heard a stand up comedian tell a joke one time about how he could never get a woman naked.  He finally figured out that all he needed to do was put a scale in his living room and every woman who stepped on it would strip down naked first.  Cracked me up, because everybody does it.  Or at least I do, or was that an over share? 
     Any who...I am now officially down 35 pounds!  AHHH!  I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about that accomplishment.  I was chatting with my dear sweet Papa Bear this evening, and I was telling him about how I am so over lying about my weight and people who lie about their weight.  But then I also revealed that it is much easier to share your numbers once you are already down by a lot as opposed to when you haven't lost anything yet.  When I was 210 lbs, I didn't go shouting it from the rooftops.  At least not until I was ready to do something about it.
***Small confession...I did put 160 lbs on my license when I recently got it renewed.  BUT! By the time I have to renew it again, I will definitely be below that number, so that's not really hurting anyone, now is it?
     Super random thought...have you ever watched Biggest Loser and when they show the weights of the contestants and they weigh more than you, but you're like, "No! They can't weight that much because I don't look that fat!"  What is up with that?!  Is it TV?  Is it our distorted self image?  But then you see that one picture of you from that awful angle that caught you totally off guard and you see it.  You see your Biggest Loser before picture.  That's what happened to me.  I saw a terrible picture (see below) of me at Christmas last year and I was horrified, but motivated!
This is a horrible "before" picture...
Ummm, I still look pregnant...after more than a year!

This is a dorky self photo of yours truly.  I was waiting in the car while dear hubby went in to pick up the most delicious pizza in the Midwest.  It is beef and cream cheese.  It is to die for and every time we go to Lincoln we treat ourselves to a big fat slice, or four.  I feel like in you can tell that I am getting my old face shape back.  More oval, less acorn.  Is acorn a face shape?  Well it was for me about 35 pounds ago!

This was last weekend and it was our first family camping trip.  Ignore my creepy red eye.  We gorged on s'mores and bacon.  It was awesome and I felt like a dough ball afterwards.  Its hard to eat healthy while you're camping, so I'm cutting myself some slack.  The 175 number came almost a full week after this adventure, so I still earned it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

So many things are happening for us!!!  Our tree service came today and took down out two monstrous dying trees.  While they did that, my mom watched the babe, and I painted.  Big surprise!  I invented another project that I had to do.

Out little man is almost 2 and the changing table is a little small for such a big boy!  I really wanted a long, low dresser.  Something that until he is potty trained, we can keep the changing pad on top of the dresser and still have a spot to change him in his room.

On Saturday we went to an auction and I found the most perfect dresser for our son's room.  So I got the dresser for $20 and we are hanging back looking at what other people are bidding on and the matching nightstand comes up for bidding.  No one is interested so I got it for $2.50!  Such a deal and cute too.

Last night I sanded them all down and wiped them clean and today I painted them....wait for  Yes, red.  I was scared.  Who gets scared of paint?  I do apparently.  My dad is a woodworker at heart and I always grew up hearing that you never paint over a nice wood grain.  Well this had nice grain, but was about 30 years behind in it's stain and color.  But it had awesome lines.  I never understood what "good lines" meant, whether is was a car or boat or piece of furniture.  Saturday "good lines" finally made sense.  The dresser has such sweet little curves and painted red it looks ahhh-mazing.  I am in love!

Tomorrow we are going to get some fabric and other odds and ends for Hobby Lobby to add to his room.  Then, hopefully in the next 2 weeks, we can get some color on the walls and really finish it off.  I know I am doing things a bit backwards but I had to pick what would be the easiest to do while he was sleeping.  The walls are going to be tricky because usually I paint when he is napping or after he has gone to bed for the night, but now I've got to work with him or send him to Nana's for the day!

(I'm going to get some pictures up as soon as I can snap a few while the babe isn't sleeping!)

I am tired, my hands hurt.  My finger really hurts!  I sliced it open cutting watermelon the other night.  But I accomplished something today that in my opinion looks great!

Do you feel it?  Its coming...that huge, ugly, irritating "but"


I have been an eating machine!  I literally had 2 dinners tonight.  We ate at 6 and then at 8:30 my stomach was growling again!  So I had a bowl full of grapes, then (movie butter) popcorn, and now a huge glass of chocolate milk.  Now I know this may not sound like a 2nd dinner, but the calories are all there my friends.  Plus, I begged Ryan to bring me home a Dr Pepper.  NOOOOOOoooooo!  I've been doing so great.  The other day I was stuck at the house with no car seat and called to ask my dad if he would bring me a pop.

What?  Who is this person?!  I do not drink pop anymore except on special occasions or at the movies.  So who is this crazy delusional woman calling people like a drug addict asking them to "drop off the goods"?

Hi, I'm Annie and I'm a popaholic.  This is why alcoholics don't just have one once they are sober.  This is why people are "clean" for X amount of days, weeks, months, years.  You can't go back, not for second, otherwise you think, "Well I only had the one, so that's OK and I'll just make sure I go for a walk or something."  But let me tell you my dearies, 1 turns into 2 and 2 turns into 3 and 3 turns in...ok well we can all count, you get the picture.

Plus I had some decaf coffee with my cream and sugar this morning, along with Swedish Pancakes.  Why did I have coffee?  No caffeine so there's no benefit there, just empty calories.  Shame on you Annie, not cool!  OK hopefully 3rd time is a charm, and this is the last time I'll have to renew my New Years resolution (until next New Years).

I do solemnly swear to not pollute my body with sugar, excess fat, carbonated chemicals, or anything deep fried in golden goodness.

Let's hope this sticks, but not to my arteries ;)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Down 4 Sizes!

I was going to wear my only pair of jeans to the Husker game on Saturday, but they were hanging off me!  I was excited and bummed all at once because now I was left with a fashion dilemma.  So the fam and I went shopping today!  I was a little anxious as I walked into the mall.  Pac Sun, Hollister, Charlotte Russe, Forever 21...these are the stores that cater to the "itty bitty" people.  The 00, the XXS, the teeny, tiny, little women you can fit in my (now) size 12 pocket.  I grabbed an 11L and a 13L.  Sweat beads dripped down my face as I asked for a fitting room.

The following is my inner dialogue...
"Which size do I try on first?!"  "Try on the small and be disappointed if they don't fit, or try on the big and have my hopes dashed when they fit perfectly and I can't even try the smaller size?"  "Shouldn't I just be happy I'm no longer shopping in the Plus section?"  "Or that I can even find something in the mall that fits me?!"

 Its literally been years since I could shop for jeans at the mall.  I'm usually stalking around Old Navy with my jeans that are so big, I've actually folded them and put them in my husbands basket.  Ugh.  So I decide to go big or go home.  I try on the 11L first and, although a teeny bit snug, they fit...wonderfully I might add.  No major muffin top, no breath holding, no gut roll coming out over the front.  Yay!  Well it was a sale and it was buy one get one 50% off.  I was all about that, except they didn't have 11L in any other styles I liked.  So we hopped around to a few more stores and we ended up at American Eagle.  I haven't shopping at AE in quite literally 5 years.  They also only had 1 pair of 12L in one style, but they were jean perfection.  Did you know that if they don't have it, they will order it online and ship it to your house for freeeee?!  So I bought the one pair that fit like a dream and my other fantabulous pair is on its way.  So it was still buy one get one 50% off.  I still had some issues with spending money on a pair of jeans that I hopefully won't fit into by the end of the winter, but I needed this.

Thanks to my patient hubby who waited outside 4 different dressing rooms juggling my purse, the diaper bag, and our very impatient son...and thanks for paying!

I now highly recommend American Eagle's Artist and Boyfriend style jeans.
**Side note.  I really do not like skinny jeans.  I know that people can pull them off, I'm just not one of them.**
Favorite Boyfriend Jean
Artist Jean