Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today I'm making meals for a few friends of our that are having a tough time and for dessert I'm making those peanut butter rice crispy chocolate covered treats. With the casserole I tripled the batch so that we could have some here, but I only doubled the dessert so it wouldn't be in the house once we delivered! Smart lady huh? I love baking, but I have to have someone to give it away to because otherwise I will eat it all myself. I have even been known to make cookies, candies, ect. if there are no sweets in the house. Also the plus side of cooking for people that are not your family is that you are not allowed to lick things clean, its just gross. So I'm wondering if Ryan will be mad if I continue cooking for other people so that I don't keep things here? Or maybe I should start taking orders in hopes that if my hands stay busy my mouth doesn't eat as much. Food for thought...

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