Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Slow but steady...

One week down...23 to go. Things went better than I could have expected this week. At no point did I binge or gorge myself into the inevitable food coma. I did have Swedish Pancakes for dinner one night. I don't know if these are an actual thing, but we grew up on them and Mom always called them Swedish Pancakes. They are probably more like a glorified crepe, delicious, no nutritional value, and cheap.
I work some evenings and Mom (Nana) usally watches Danny. They have a treadmill that occasionally get used by my brother's new girlfriend, but other than that collects dust. I ran/walked a mile on it when I went to pick up Danny and felt really engergized. Then I got right down on the floor with my heart still pumping and did 15 sit ups (pitifully I might add) and 15 girl (modified) push ups. I did my pilates video once this week. Other than that, no formal exercise.
I feel good, so hopefully that will start to show up on the scale...which reminds me that I need to buy a scale. Yes, I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but I do not need to replace 67 lbs of fat with 50 lbs of muscle so right now, yes I am focussed on the number on the scale.
Ryan is on board with the losing weight thing, so that helps. He complains though that we are having salad for dinner and I have to remind him that it comes with a whole chicken breast on top. Yes it is a salad, a chicken ceasar salad, so shut your pie hole. We decided that for our 3rd anniversay we will get eachother weight loss. He has a goal, I have a goal, and so long as we meet them, we aren't getting eachother any presents, except maybe a better sex life.
Yes, I am now a firm beleiver that exercising makes you have better sex. Even if you're not losing weight, you still feel better about your body and that always helps. Ask Ryan, he can't wait to get home on the days I tell him I worked out.
One of my new favorite lunches is 1 cup cottage cheese, a little lemon juice and 1 whole small haas avacado. Its actually really good and fills me up. Other than that, Danny and I have been snacking on fruits, walnuts, steamed veggies, lunch meat, chicken breasts. It is the worst to try to eat healthy on a budget.
I clipped coupons, I bought fruit that is in season, I went to Aldi...its still expensive to eat healthy on a budget and don't let anyone tell you different. I go to Food Network for "healthy" recipes and I can't afford the ingredients! Or they are one time ingredients. Give me something versatile! Give me something easy!! This is my new mission...cheap, easy, healthy recipes. I'm assemling a merciless taskforce.

1 comment:

  1. This is a never ending problem for me. Shopping on a budget is so hard. Now that I am pregnant, I figured I better start doing better now. It's so much easier to eat badly with a dollar than healthy with a dollar. It's a process. That is annoying. I've tried Aldies. Bringing your own bags is so annoying.
