Saturday, January 16, 2010

Here I sit at the computer drinking a delicious fruit smoothie. My little man rifles through my purse...future pick pocket? What a glorious morning! Okay, I used up my pep for the day writing that.
Fruit smoothie is super simple and halfway cheap...
In the frozen food section they not only have frozen vegetables, they have frozen fruit. Go figure! I thought the only frozen fruit even made or sold were the pack of strawberries smothered in sugary, carb loaded, delicious goodness. My smoothie for this morning consisted of...
Frozen - peaches, raspberries, and blueberries
a splash of skim milk and apple juice.
Easy right?!
Actually I assembled everything last night (frozen) and put it in the fridge so that everyone could get to know eachother and it thaws out just enough so that you're not trying to drink big frozen chunks of peaches. Then this morning I just whipped it up and voila!
The raspberries might have been a mistake though, because they are kind of seedy. Not it a creepy way, in a literal way.
As soon as Ryan gets paid, I am buying a scale at Costco (I have a coupon). I used to think that it was not healthy to have a scale but now I am sure it only applies to Jr High girls. Once said scale is purchased, I will post my current weight...yipes. I'm praying its down (Is it ok to pray for weight loss? Another question for the Big Man when I get there), but I'm not getting my hopes too high. Hopefully by trying to live healthier, coupled with my good intenetions, I will start to lose weight.

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