Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not much to report, except that I have to wear an ankle brace for 3 months. I'm wondering how this will effect my exercising. It's not too bothersome, just a little pinchy. I sprained my ankle horribly, 3 times. The last time was when I was pregnant and ever since then I've had problems with it just giving out on me or a burning sensation through my whole ankle. I finally (after 2 years and Ryan pleading with me to stop limping around the house) got it checked out. Diagnosis...floppy ankle. Loose ligaments are my issue and he prescribed an ankle brace and physical therapy exercises for 3 months and then we will see how things are holding up. I'll do anything to not have surgery so this is just fine with me.

I know I've talked about Penelope Cruz before and how skinny little people make me want to be a skinny little person. But doesn't everyone have that realistic celebrity body that they covet? I love Kate Winslet, and I love her even more so after seeing her wardrobe in "Revolutionary Road" So maybe its not so much her body type as it is her clothing style that I like. I follow a blog "50s Times" about a woman who lived a year as if she was in the 50s and its really interesting. I love the clothing and the sense of style everyone had. I'm probably drawn to it because I have no sense of style what-so-ever. I had a dear friend threaten to turn me in to "What Not To Wear" if she caught me in jeans and a hoodie or t-shirt again. Regardless, she has such a real figure.

...(these ... represent 15 minutes of my time looking for this pointless information on the web)

I looked into it and she is about 5'6" and says she weighs about 130 . Personally, I think she looks a bit heavier, but not in a bad way, just in a way that makes me think I'm closer to my goal. If I'm only an inch taller, there is no way I'm getting down to 130. Thats crazy people skinny! I'm still going to shoot for 145-155, but once I'm down to 160 I want to seriously consider what I want to do and where I am with my overall health.

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because I felt a lump on my back. I was freaked out. You shouldn't have a lumpy back, I don't care who you are. So I went in and was all nervous. My doc takes one look and feels it and says "Its a lipoma...a fatty tumor. Lose some weight and it should go away." To which I responded, "Well I've lost 25 pounds!" He says, "...Lose 25 more." I had to laugh a little. Here I am so proud of how much I have lost and my doctor is still focused on how far I have to go. He then told me that I probably found the tumor because of the weight loss. For most people, they go away when you lose weight. Sometimes they stick around though and he said there will be super skinny people with a big lump somewhere. "So you don't want me to get too skinny, right?" He just laughed.

I'm glad I've got people on both sides of the fence though. People congratulating me on how much weight I've lost and people who encourage me to keep with it and keep losing more! Thanks to you, whichever side you're on!!

I guess I did find a lot on which to report!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. You look great and healthy. You have always been beautiful to me though. :) Christina Hendricks is my Kate Winslet. She is a beautiful "real" body. See you soon.
