Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Annnnd we're back! Here's your post-cast from the last year... "

I bet you thought I forgot about this blog...well most days I have.  Some days, I would think of it and consider sitting down to type out an update of what has been a very hectic year.  Here are the highlights!

July 15, 2012 - We welcomed our second child James (known to others as Jimmy or Catfish)  His birth was ahhhmazing.  I had an extremely successful VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.)  After laboring for 3+ days, we were blessed with a very healthy almost 9 lb. baby (8 lbs. 15 oz....but he pooped right away.  I carried that poop for over 41 weeks.  That was at least an ounce of poop.  He was a 9 pounder. End of story.)

Spring 2013 - "Let's sell our house!" Annie says.  We dump money into fixing, painting, and patching everything that needed it.  "Not yet!" Says God.  Well played, Lord.  Well played.  We are still in out itty bitty house.  Two growing boys, 2 dogs, a cat, 4 fish and a turtle...we need some more elbow room. Prayer and petition is that name of the game right now.  Trying our best to slow down and listen to what God wants for us.

July 20, 2013 - Ryan's brother gets married in AZ. At the wedding, I look around and I am the fat one.  Ryan is the fat one.  The only healthy people in our family of four is our kids.  Why do I continue to eat and drink things that I won't let my kids have?  If I don't think it is good enough for them to put into their body, why am I putting it in mine?

August 2013 - I have an "F This!" moment.  I am not going to be fat anymore!  We are done having kids and now I want my body to be how I've always wanted. After Danny, my goal was to be healthy so I could have a healthy second pregnancy.  Now, my goal is for me to be healthy for the rest of my life.  I do not want my kids to have to worry about me when I get into my 50s and 60s because I never took care of myself.

August 26, 2013 - Started Couch to 5 K.  Week 1 Day 3 complete and I feel like a super star!  On my last "run" I made it just over 2 miles in half an hour.  Never thought that was possible for me, but this program is gentle and forgiving.  On my off days of C25K, I walk with a mom from preschool and work on upper body.  Need to get this fat out of the way before I sculpt my killer bod!

August 31, 2013 - Have an awesome night with a friend at a Husker game.  She is truly an inspiration.  Down 40 lbs and rocking it.  She is full of helpful tips that seem like common sense that I could read off of someone's Pinterest boards, but they mean more coming from her.  Here is a woman who has literally done exactly what I am striving for.  I listened as she told me what her motivators were and how she had to change habits to achieve her goals. She is now up to running 5 miles every time she steps her foot out of the door to exercise.  Love her!

That brings us to the here and now.  Ryan has grudgingly decided to do C25K with me.  I know he can do it, he just needs to have his "F This!" moment.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I quit posting updates for a couple of reasons.  Number one was because I wasn't really making any progress.  Number two is that I am pregnant!  We wanted to make sure we could tell as many people in person before it "went viral." I'm due July 6th, but I'm setting my mind to go a wee bit later.  I've done an early delivery and I'd rather this baby was well done! We had been trying since last April and much to my surprise it took until October to get pregnant.  I am so excited about this new addition to our family and can't wait for all the fun (and sleep deprivation) ahead of us!

Even though I'm expecting, I'm not expecting to gain the 50 pounds I did with our first.  My checkups are going great and I'm already passing tests I was failing last time!  My glucola test (for gestational diabetes) was awesome, my blood pressure is fabulous, and my weight gain is right on track with 8 pounds!  At this same point in my last pregnancy, I was having to retake glucola tests due to borderline results, peeing in a cup every time I turned around because I was spilling protein (an indication of pre ecplamsia), had rising blood pressure, and I was already up 30 lbs.

I'm not not trying to gain weight, it just finally clicked in my brain that the extra 300 calories I need to grow a tiny human does not mean man-sized breakfast portions, 2nd helpings at dinner, and midnight bowls of cereal.  Really, it's like a cereal bar and a cheese stick.  Wrapping my head around this has made for a much better pregnancy.  While I do still indulge, I do it in moderation.  It also helps to be chasing after a 3 year old.  I'm so tired by the time he goes to bed, all I can think about is sleep, not what kind of snack I should grab.

I just started my 3rd trimester!  Time is really flying.  My husband and I joke that this baby gets "womb neglect," because we are too busy to obsess over it like we did with Danny.  From here on out, expect updates to be about having a healthy pregnancy.  Then get ready for a post baby tune up!  I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in October, so my plan is to get back to post baby numbers and then some by that time.  Last time it took me a whole year just to think about losing baby weight.  This time I'm ahead of the game!

Monday, September 19, 2011

**Ignore any soft sobbing you think you may hear during this post... 

I'm up almost 20 lbs.  Ew, gross.  Not the weight on my body, but that fact that I let it come back.  I welcomed it like an old friend.  "Oh hey Sugar Cookie and Third Second Helping!  How've you been? It's been so long, why don't you stay a while and we'll catch up!"  They stayed alright, and then they invited Dr. Pepper and Homemade Bread.  They've been here since about April.  I like to keep telling myself that having ankle surgery made me gain weight.  At first I lost weight, but then I gained back even more. 

I'm doing exactly what I hate.  I'm complaining and not doing ANYTHING!  I despise people who complain but refuse to take action.  I put together a little floor routine to do everyday. Once I tweak it, I'll post it.  The Hubby and I were talking about getting an eliptical or stationary bike because they are low impact for my still stiff ankle.  Right now the weather is nice enough to be walking outside, but I'm thinking into winter and what the weather will be like.  Lotta talk, little action. 

I did start charting my weight on a calendar.  I think that since numbers have such an impact on me, it's good to keep them somewhere I can be reminded of how much weight I want to lose.  Let me throw down some really fun math for you all...

210 starting weight
-35 inital loss
-10 surgery loss
+5 little post surgery gain
+20 major post surgery gain

Soooo...still trying to get to my goal


That was totally uneccesary, but I wanted to show off my mad Algebra skills.  You're welcome.

35, bring it baby!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Moving Forward

     I am down 5 pounds over the last 7 days!  It's funny how the fear of gaining weight again can really kick your butt into high gear.  Portions and will power...that's how I'll get to my goal. 
    I actually really like that my story is not like one of those that you see on infomercials for workout DVDs or diet supplements.
"Susie lost 89lbs in just 4 weeks!" 
But what you have to look carefully for the teeny tiny fine print at the bottom of the screen that quickly flashes the words...
"Results NOT typical"
  Isn't that convenient?  You might lose 89 or you might lose 3 or you might gain 8!  Why can't I be shown the typical result?  Why can't they tell me "Listen lady, you stir this baking powder into your coffee and nothing with happen, but if you couple it with diet and exercise, you will lose weight."  Doesn't that seem like a DUH moment?  I could couple diet and exercise with skydiving and I'd lose weight!  Slow and steady wins the race!  Time for another before and after eh? 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gain and Pain

Ten pounds...I've gained ten pounds.  I was telling my friend yesterday that it really freaks me out because I know how easily 10 can turn back into 35.  I'll chalk 5 pounds up to vacation and another 5 to sticking to my vacation eating habits.  I think I really need to quit coffee again.  I load it up with cream and sugar and who knows how many empty calories.  That means at least a week of caffiene headaches...yay.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Summer!

What is it with grief that either makes you under eat or over eat?  I had to put my sweet dog to sleep last week and I felt like I was on a roller coaster of not only emotion, but food.  I felt like I barely ate for 2 days, then gorged myself.  I think the only good sign now is that I know food really doesn't make me feel any better.  The more I ate, the worse I felt about myself.  Add that to being a sobbing mess for 3 days...doesn't make for great self image.  It was *ruff.*

On a more positive note, I traded in some books and movies to Hastings.  It's a multi-media store that will buy your stuff off of you.  With my store credit (they will also give you cash but I figured I'd spend it there anyways) I bought a AM/PM Yoga DVD and an Ab workout DVD.  That's right...expect washboards in 6-8 weeks.  I've done the PM yoga part and it was very relaxing, although some of the positions were a bit difficult due to the stiffness in my ankle.  No worries, I just made it my own and pretended like I knew what I was doing.  When I feel like it, I'll tackle the AM and the washboards.

In the mean time, Danny and I are swimming.  Now when I say we're swimming, I mean that I fill up the baby pool, stick my feet in and watch him do laps.  The temperature is finally rising and I have a feeling we will be making much more of an effort to jump into Nana and Grandpa's big pool.  Speaking of being outside in this gorgeous June should totally watch Dear 16 Year Old Me...  I know about sun damage and skin cancer, but this really drove it home.  I literally got done watching this and ordered Hawaiian Tropic Firming Island Moisturizer.  It's a sunless tanner (and bonus, firming lotion if that even works.)  I slap some beloved SPF on over it and I'm good to go!  I've been using it for about 2 weeks, specifically on my legs and have noticed a nice tint.  Nothing drastic, orange, or equator-y but just a nice soft color.  The firming end of things?  I'll let you know if my thighs ever quit jiggling.

Weight wise, I'm maintaining, which is all I really care to do at the moment.  I'm fine with my numbers sort of , but I need some serious tone!  I think I saw a bingo arm trying to set up residence next to Mr. Trapezius!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


People talk about hitting a wall when it comes to running, writing, daily tasks, weight loss or patience.  In my life, these walls have names.
The first wall is called Ankle Surgery...
This wall is annoying, frustrating, necessary, and about to be broken down.  I only have about 2 more weeks of limited activity before I can get back to doing crazy things like walking and stairs.
Initially after surgery, I lost weight due to several factors.  I was in too much pain to get up for anything more than a bathroom break, so that eliminated my knack for snacking.  I was also too nauseated to keep much down.  After the first couple of weeks, things slowly got back to normal and I got back to snacking.  So what was an initial loss of 10lbs has still resulted in a loss, but now I'm only down 5lbs, which is fine with me because I lost it for the wrong reasons anyways!
In Niobrara for Mother's Day
I like to refer to it as "Das Boot"
If you're curious here are the multiple procedures that I went through to get myself stable.
Evans Procedure
Brostrom Surgery
Calcaneal Osteotomy
None of these are fun to go through, but neither was the pain I was in sometimes daily.
My other wall is named THE LAST 15!
These last 15 lbs have weighed on me (PUN INTENDED) for far too long.  The longer my weight stagnates, the farther and father that goal of 155-160 feels.  I get comfortable with my fat and let it sit there while I sit there.  Being laid up these past few weeks have made me more motivated to kick things into high gear once I'm medically cleared.

Another wall that we struggle with as a family is called Someday
We'll add on to the house
We'll do major renovations
We'll have time to relax
We'll have more space
We'll travel more
It's so fun to dream, but we keep catching ourselves in the future and not enjoying the here and now.  Sometimes I need to pull myself back here when I was just 20 years in the future.  Time is flying and 20 years is going to be here in a flash.  In the meantime, I want to focus on taking care of my body so that in 20 years I can still do all the things I'm dreaming about today!

***Congratulatory shout out to my dear friend who is kicking butt at weight loss!  She ran the Lincoln 1/2 marathon earlier this month!  Check out Amber's Story!