Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Annnnd we're back! Here's your post-cast from the last year... "

I bet you thought I forgot about this blog...well most days I have.  Some days, I would think of it and consider sitting down to type out an update of what has been a very hectic year.  Here are the highlights!

July 15, 2012 - We welcomed our second child James (known to others as Jimmy or Catfish)  His birth was ahhhmazing.  I had an extremely successful VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.)  After laboring for 3+ days, we were blessed with a very healthy almost 9 lb. baby (8 lbs. 15 oz....but he pooped right away.  I carried that poop for over 41 weeks.  That was at least an ounce of poop.  He was a 9 pounder. End of story.)

Spring 2013 - "Let's sell our house!" Annie says.  We dump money into fixing, painting, and patching everything that needed it.  "Not yet!" Says God.  Well played, Lord.  Well played.  We are still in out itty bitty house.  Two growing boys, 2 dogs, a cat, 4 fish and a turtle...we need some more elbow room. Prayer and petition is that name of the game right now.  Trying our best to slow down and listen to what God wants for us.

July 20, 2013 - Ryan's brother gets married in AZ. At the wedding, I look around and I am the fat one.  Ryan is the fat one.  The only healthy people in our family of four is our kids.  Why do I continue to eat and drink things that I won't let my kids have?  If I don't think it is good enough for them to put into their body, why am I putting it in mine?

August 2013 - I have an "F This!" moment.  I am not going to be fat anymore!  We are done having kids and now I want my body to be how I've always wanted. After Danny, my goal was to be healthy so I could have a healthy second pregnancy.  Now, my goal is for me to be healthy for the rest of my life.  I do not want my kids to have to worry about me when I get into my 50s and 60s because I never took care of myself.

August 26, 2013 - Started Couch to 5 K.  Week 1 Day 3 complete and I feel like a super star!  On my last "run" I made it just over 2 miles in half an hour.  Never thought that was possible for me, but this program is gentle and forgiving.  On my off days of C25K, I walk with a mom from preschool and work on upper body.  Need to get this fat out of the way before I sculpt my killer bod!

August 31, 2013 - Have an awesome night with a friend at a Husker game.  She is truly an inspiration.  Down 40 lbs and rocking it.  She is full of helpful tips that seem like common sense that I could read off of someone's Pinterest boards, but they mean more coming from her.  Here is a woman who has literally done exactly what I am striving for.  I listened as she told me what her motivators were and how she had to change habits to achieve her goals. She is now up to running 5 miles every time she steps her foot out of the door to exercise.  Love her!

That brings us to the here and now.  Ryan has grudgingly decided to do C25K with me.  I know he can do it, he just needs to have his "F This!" moment.