Sunday, April 15, 2012


I quit posting updates for a couple of reasons.  Number one was because I wasn't really making any progress.  Number two is that I am pregnant!  We wanted to make sure we could tell as many people in person before it "went viral." I'm due July 6th, but I'm setting my mind to go a wee bit later.  I've done an early delivery and I'd rather this baby was well done! We had been trying since last April and much to my surprise it took until October to get pregnant.  I am so excited about this new addition to our family and can't wait for all the fun (and sleep deprivation) ahead of us!

Even though I'm expecting, I'm not expecting to gain the 50 pounds I did with our first.  My checkups are going great and I'm already passing tests I was failing last time!  My glucola test (for gestational diabetes) was awesome, my blood pressure is fabulous, and my weight gain is right on track with 8 pounds!  At this same point in my last pregnancy, I was having to retake glucola tests due to borderline results, peeing in a cup every time I turned around because I was spilling protein (an indication of pre ecplamsia), had rising blood pressure, and I was already up 30 lbs.

I'm not not trying to gain weight, it just finally clicked in my brain that the extra 300 calories I need to grow a tiny human does not mean man-sized breakfast portions, 2nd helpings at dinner, and midnight bowls of cereal.  Really, it's like a cereal bar and a cheese stick.  Wrapping my head around this has made for a much better pregnancy.  While I do still indulge, I do it in moderation.  It also helps to be chasing after a 3 year old.  I'm so tired by the time he goes to bed, all I can think about is sleep, not what kind of snack I should grab.

I just started my 3rd trimester!  Time is really flying.  My husband and I joke that this baby gets "womb neglect," because we are too busy to obsess over it like we did with Danny.  From here on out, expect updates to be about having a healthy pregnancy.  Then get ready for a post baby tune up!  I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in October, so my plan is to get back to post baby numbers and then some by that time.  Last time it took me a whole year just to think about losing baby weight.  This time I'm ahead of the game!