Monday, September 19, 2011

**Ignore any soft sobbing you think you may hear during this post... 

I'm up almost 20 lbs.  Ew, gross.  Not the weight on my body, but that fact that I let it come back.  I welcomed it like an old friend.  "Oh hey Sugar Cookie and Third Second Helping!  How've you been? It's been so long, why don't you stay a while and we'll catch up!"  They stayed alright, and then they invited Dr. Pepper and Homemade Bread.  They've been here since about April.  I like to keep telling myself that having ankle surgery made me gain weight.  At first I lost weight, but then I gained back even more. 

I'm doing exactly what I hate.  I'm complaining and not doing ANYTHING!  I despise people who complain but refuse to take action.  I put together a little floor routine to do everyday. Once I tweak it, I'll post it.  The Hubby and I were talking about getting an eliptical or stationary bike because they are low impact for my still stiff ankle.  Right now the weather is nice enough to be walking outside, but I'm thinking into winter and what the weather will be like.  Lotta talk, little action. 

I did start charting my weight on a calendar.  I think that since numbers have such an impact on me, it's good to keep them somewhere I can be reminded of how much weight I want to lose.  Let me throw down some really fun math for you all...

210 starting weight
-35 inital loss
-10 surgery loss
+5 little post surgery gain
+20 major post surgery gain

Soooo...still trying to get to my goal


That was totally uneccesary, but I wanted to show off my mad Algebra skills.  You're welcome.

35, bring it baby!